Official of Islamophobic party becomes Muslim, internet becomes fascinated.
Alex Morton, housing adviser to the former Prime Minister David Cameron now pushes “Clash of …
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Hatred and division will not seize the day.
Scenes of jubilation spread in front of the White House as crowds gathered to chant …
The Islamophobic challenge against teaching Islam in history courses has been dealt a blow in …
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A neo-Nazi organisation has threatened the Muslim Association of Greece and pro-migrant organisations, amid an uptick in anti-immigrant violence in the Greek capital.
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Dutch media gets tough with lying US ambassador who propagated lies and Islamophobic tropes.
Quilliam, that strange creature of self-hate and opportunism dutifully follows through for racist supporters.
India: Guru Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Followers Riot After His Rape Conviction
Cult leader followers go berserk over their “Godman’s” rape conviction.
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Study Finds Militants Have Little Knowledge of Islam
A group of professed terrorists “had no basic knowledge about Islam,” according to a new German study.
Serbian Appeal Court Halts Srebrenica War Crimes Trial
On the heels of the commemoration of the genocide at Srebrenica, an appeals court in Serbia halted the first ever war crimes trial.
Hatred against Jews and hatred against Muslims have a lot in common. One thing in particular is that throughout history Jews and Muslims have been accused of being prone to criminality, rape and violence. The Nazis in the 30’s did so and many antisemites still today spread the lie. The exact same kind of lies […]

Woman In Ghana Stoned To Death For Witchcraft
A mob set upon Madam Yednboka Keena and killed for the crime of witchcraft.
Child Marriages in the USA is not a “Muslim Problem”
Child Marriages in the USA, not a “Muslim Problem”.
Arab Muslim Comedian Ramy Youssef Kills It On The Late Show
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- In 2017 Attacks Increased by 44% Against Muslim Americans January 12, 2018
- Official in Party that says “Islam does not belong to Germany” Converts to Islam January 25, 2018
CJ Werleman on Quilliam’s Faulty Report Tying Culture, Race To “Grooming Gangs” January 5, 2018
- Dutch Reporters Blast US Ambassador Pete Hoekstra For Lying About “No-Go Zones” January 11, 2018
- Greece: Neo-Nazi Group Threatens Muslim Association January 19, 2018
- Official in Party that says “Islam does not belong to Germany” Converts to Islam January 25, 2018
- Greece: Neo-Nazi Group Threatens Muslim Association January 19, 2018
- In 2017 Attacks Increased by 44% Against Muslim Americans 手机youtube免翻
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CJ Werleman on Quilliam’s Faulty Report Tying Culture, Race To “Grooming Gangs” January 5, 2018
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NotAMuslamic: He must have eaten halal meat by accident! Now he...
Khizer: Hopefully the Greek leftists/Antifa go pay the Naz...
Mehdi: End of the article: In the past two years several...
Mehdi: rest of the article: The earliest representations...
Mehdi: Stalkers of Anxiety by C Scott Jordan: A new dist...
Mehdi: Hi Khizer and thanks for your message. My view is ...
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